Clay Shirky’s “How cognitive surplus will change the world” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about cognitive surplus and how many ways it can be used on the internet. It matters to me because it talks about a new website called “Ushahidi” that automates the sorting of all this information into a map, which I know if I was in a war ridden county or somewhere that I would want this so I would be able to know the most I possibly could about the situation. It matters to education because if we keep advancing in our technology than we eventually could have a website that sorts information vital to our learning so that when we are researching we don’t have to look over websites that are posting false things on the internet. It matters to the world because everyone in the world uses the internet and almost everyone creates places on the internet, there are so many places on the internet that you may think have true information, but haven’t been updated in 20 years. That’s why we need engines that pull up results that are current and true, if we don’t advance our technology searching for information on the internet will be easy but finding true information will be extremely hard.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
PLN 22
Trip Gabriel’s “Learning in Dorm, Because Class Is on the Web” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about colleges not having enough money to educate all their students in a classroom. This matters to me because I know for a fact that I learn much better in a classroom then I do listening to a lecture online. I think that you learn much better in a classroom than any other way because if you don’t understand something, you can ask the teacher for help and you will understand it a lot better then you would with an online lecture. For me this article really connected to Michel Welsch’s “A Vision of Students Today”. It matters to education because if students trying to get a degree cant get one on one help when they need it when they are paying boatloads of money to go to college isn’t that wrong, their parents are paying teacher to teach them not post a lecture online and not know their name. It matters to the world because so many people want to go to college and every year college’s budgets are cut which is causing them to have to educate most of their students online. Is it the colleges fault or the countries leaders? This article reveals facts about college today that I didn’t know before and I think that most people don’t know.
PLN 21
Sir Ken Robinson’s “Changing Education Paradigms” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about how the education system was set up and some of the flaws in it. It matters to me because it talked about who college degrees used to guaranteed you a job and now they don’t which is causing this generation of learners to not work hard to get a degree which to me is stupid because if you have put so much time into getting into high school why would you not want to go to college and get a better life. It matters to education because it talks about some major flaws in it like how it was set up in a different age and people are educated in batches by age and some people are smarter than other at the same age, but how would we do it differently? You can’t start them earlier because when kids start out their for the most part at the same learning level, so how do we not educate by age? It matters to the world because it talks about us being educated for the economy when we can’t predict what it will be like at the end of the week, which is interesting because it true. How do we educate kids for jobs that don’t exist right now? This video taught me a lot about how education is different now than in the past.
PLN 20
Carl Fisch’s “A Quarter is more Than Just a Fraction” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about giving your spare change or whatever you chose to Mr.Fisch and he will donate it to Kiva. It matters to me because if I was trying to start a business in a third world country I would really appreciate it if someone gave me money so that I could start a business. It matters to education because most of the Kiva kids getting the money are also students, which has to be very hard on them. It matters to the world because in every country there are always people that are trying to start business and all of them could use a little help. I think that Kiva is a great organization and we need more like it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
PLN 19
George Will’s “Lost in Electronica” affects me, education, and the world because its main focus is on boys and boredom. This affects me because it talks about how boys my age can sometimes get lost in electronics which hurts their ability to stay focused and how they read and write which i can see happening every day because girls more than boys, are obsessed with their cell phones, which really does not help them because their minds start thinking in texting mode (like lol and jk). It affects education because if we keep on acting like this than the human race will not be able to write and read as well as we have in the past, for example in the 1700's our writing was much more pure and used better word choice than it ever will in the future. It affects the world because if people can’t do things like they did in the past without electronics than how will their brains function differently in the future with electronics? I think that if electronics where taked away at this day in age, almost everyone would go crazy.
PLN 18
David Warlick’s “Is the New Information Landscape Changing Our Shopping Practices?” matters to me education and the world because it talks about the worlds rescission. I thought this article really connected to Carl Fisch’s “2020 Vision” because they both stated what they think the future will be like in one way or another. It effects me because later on in life when I am getting a job, if we are still in a recession than it might make it very difficult to get one, and in this article he talks about the signs that we are gradually moving out of our recession. It effects education because if we can get out of this recession than schools would get more money to create a better learning environment. It affects the world because all over the world people are struggling to provide for themselves and their families, and if the USA can get out of our recession than trading with other countries might help them. I found David Warlick’s article very interesting and I think it has a lot of facts that people don’t know.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
PLN 17
Carl Fisch’s “What If" education and the world Matters to me because it talks about the advances we have made in education and how we thought we would never use them. It matters to me because I saw it and thought two things, one that it was a lot like “2020 vision” by Carl Fisch. Two that every time it said we weren’t going to use it like computers, I thought wow what would it be like without them. It matters to education because if any of these things hadn’t been invented, or used, how would we learn? It matters to the world because education takes place everywhere, and they learn different than us, would taking a look into their future would be looking us? This video really showed our advancement in education over the years and how fast we adapted to it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
PLN 16
Anne Smiths “Why do I have to study [Fill in the Blank]?” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about kids thinking that classes are un-necessary to take. It matters to me because if I was taking a class that I didn’t think was necessary than it would be my last priority so I probably wouldn’t learn the material that I may or may no need in life. It matters to education because if students don’t feel a class is necessary or that isn’t preparing them for life, they will not try and they will not learn the material and when they need it they will not know it. It matters in the world because if kids just don’t try in courses they don’t think are necessary than they will not know it and something vital to how we live might be forgotten because its not “necessary”. If we forget math all to-gether, what will are life be like?
PLN 14
Tim Hoover’s “Ritter unveils $19.1 billion Colorado budget for 2011-2012 fiscal year” matters to me, education, and the world because it will give our school system a lot of money to spend on useful things. It matters to me because I currently attend a school that will get some of that money and I think that our school will spend it wisely so that our learning environments can be improved if needed and so we can buy new equipment. It matters to education because I think that all schools could use some money right now to buy new equipment and fix there school up if it needs it. It matters to the world because to create a smarter world we need better schools and giving money to schools help them dramatically. If all states gave more money to their school systems we would be a smarter country.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
PLN 13
Jonathan Rosenberg’s “Googley Advice to Students; Major in Learning” matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about the characteristics that are important at Google, but also at most companies. It matters to me because I need to know what things companies look for when they are hiring, so when I try and get jobs I can hopefully show them I am right for the job. It matters to education because schools need to teach things like “analytical reasoning, communication skills, willingness to experiment, team players, and passion and leadership” so their students are ready for “big time business” jobs. It matters to the world because if kids exit their education and they don’t have these skills they will not be able to compete for careers in the real world. I think that schools should form their curriculum around what kids will need later in life.
PlN 12
Benjamin Hochman's “NBA commissioner David Stern talks Carmelo Anthony, CBA talks” matters to me, education, and the world because if all big time players in their sport could decide where they wanted to play, could all people decide when and where they want to work? It matters to me because I am a fan of major league sports and when I hear all the talk on Sportcenter that a big time player is requesting to be traded then I think why cant regular people do that. It matters to education because schools have sports to and if high school and college athletes where as immature as professional athletes, than kids would be transpiercing schools yearly. It matters to the world because in “big Business” there is no room for children’s play, like almost all professional sports (except baseball and soccer of course). I think that it is truly ridicules that players can’t stay in one city through good and bad seasons.
PLN 11
Karl Fisch’s “2020 vision” matters to me, education, and the world because it is a look into what Mr.Fisch thinks the world will be like in 2020. It matters to me because if the world does change as fast as Mr.Fisch thinks it will what I learn right now might not help me at all. It matters to education because in 2020 vision it talks about the rapid growth of Arapahoe and it joining forces with Arapahoe community college. It affects the world because if everything advances as fast as it does in 2020 vision than in the end we will all work for Google in one way or another. Mr.Fisch’s video was very interesting to me and it made me think, will this really happen.
PLN 10
Will Richardson’s "You Know This Is True" maters to me, education, and the world because it talks about kids not being motivated in school. It matters to me because if I am not motivated in school than I will not learn what I need to, to become more intelligent so I will succeed in life. It matters to education because if students are not learning what they need to (Like Rigor Redefined) they will not be prepared for 21st century jobs. It matters to the world because if students aren’t motivated they won’t succeed in school and they won’t succeed in life. Will Richardson’s blog post was very strong and hopefully sent out a message to educators.
Tony Wagner’s “Rigor Redefined” matters to me, education and the world because it talks about the effect of what we are learning in school and what we need to be successful in the 21st century. This matters to me because I need to know the skills I will need to be successful in the 21st century. It matters to education because if students are not getting taught the right material that they cannot be successful in the 21st century. It matters to the world because if our schools are not teaching the right material then the next generation of workers will not be prepared for the jobs that will need to be done. I think that all educators should read this article to make sure that they are teaching students the right materials to their students.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I read “Dear Denver Post-You’re the Disappointment” by Mr. Fisch, It matters to me, education, and the world because it talks about an article in the newspaper that talked about the disappointment of going back to school. It matters to me because the article that was written in the newspaper about the disappointment of going back to school completely affects me and I have felt it disappointment of summer ending and school starting before, mostly in past years where you want summer just to continue on because school is “boring”, but it can’t. It affects education because if kids are disappointed about school than how do we expect them to do well and learn all the things they need to be successful in high school and college. It affects the world because if kids don’t do well in school expectations will go down and ultimately it will result in a non-intelligent generation. I think that if the Denver post is criticizing education they shouldn’t be publishing articles like this.
Monday, September 20, 2010
After watching Michael Wesch’s “The Machines are using us” It made me think about why it mattered to me, education, and the world. It matters to me because as I was watching the video I was like wow I did not know how much text was used to create one part of on website, I was also amazed when he said that as we advanced more text was used. It matters to education because in education we use computers everyday and we never realize how much we depend on the programs that are written when we use the computer. It matters to the world because every time we click on something the computers learn eventually computers will be smarter than us, what will we do? This was a very informational video It was also interesting learning all these things that I didn’t know about the internet and our computers.
I read A post on Mr.Fisch’s blog called “Dear Denver Post, Would You Be Okay With Us Cheating On The CSAP, too?” , it matters because it effects me, education, and the world. This post matters to me because I strongly disagree with Mr.Fisch, because if you actually watch baseball you will see people that say their hit but aren’t, deal with it its baseball and the umpires are not perfect, and It happens all the time and people write about It all the time why hammer this guy he is just doing his job? It matters to education because Mr.Fisch brought up CSAP in his post; personally I thought it was an unrealistic comparison because CSAP determines more than a player on base that probably didn’t even score to a major test that everyone in Colorado takes. It matters to the world because in a sense It is wrong to cheat but I play baseball and really I do not consider this cheating in any way because I mean really are you going to call the guy a cheater If he stepped in front of a 90mph fastball to get on base would you call him a cheater? I thought that he had a point but not enough of one to make such drastic comparisons and completely hammering the guy on the internet, if you feel so strongly about something send him an email.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
In Will Richardson’s “Footprints in the Digital Age” Will talks about how having bad digital footprints may come back to haunt you. This article matters to me because if I have a very bad digital footprint in a couple of years when I am trying to get a job the manager could Google me and see something that might make him think that I am a Misanthrope and hire someone else. It affects education because in three years when I am applying to colleges the duke of administrations might Google me to see if I am a good person and post all my volunteer work online or if I am a very wild person and might cause a lot of trouble at his school. It matters to the world because on the internet anyone can look at it and it might completely alter your life as you live it. I think that Wills article from his book was very informational and that all new parents should read it to make sure that their kids leave a very good digital footprint and have opportunities that people with bad digital footprints don’t get.
I read "Dang! I Just Missed It" by David Warlick, This article talks about how an original message can get distorted into something false, it matters because sometimes while researching we may run across facts that may not be true. This matters to me because when ever I do any research I always use multiple sources to make sure the information I am giving others is true this happened in the article when he didn’t listen completely to his teacher and woke up at 5:30 in the morning to not be able to see mars the size of the moon. It matters to education every time that you use the computer to do research because if you do not know that you have the right facts you could put something into a report that is completely false and not get a good grade or in this David’s case waking up to nothing at five o’clock in the morning. It matters to the world because everyone has done it before, reading something on the internet that’s not true and then learning later there’s a catch like using a 75 times zoom. I thought that David’s article was very good and definitely was an eye opener to me.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
“Is Google making us stupid” by Nicholas Carr Talks about Google and the internet making us stupid, I think that eventually it will make us look stupid because it will be smarter then us but I don’t think we will be stupid. To me I do think that computers will out smart us but I think that I will still act the same and will probably learn mostly the same way so to me all that matters is that I am still learning and if the computer be smarter then me so be it. I think that it will effect education dramatically because it will completely change how we learn; I think that kids our age in the future will be much smarter than we are now because they will have a lot more resources then we do even right now. I think it will affect the world even more then It will affect education because there will be a ton of new jobs that don’t even exist right now because we don’t have the technology and as technology advances so will our view on life and everything in it. Learning new things is absolutely the thing we do most in life and as technology advances we will be able to learn a lot more a lot quicker and there will be a lot more to learn.
A Vision Of Students Today
In Michel Welsch’s”A vision of students today” there are many things that affect us, education, and the world. Michal Welsch’s video mattered to me because it taught me things like that by 2020 a $1000 computer will be smarter than the human race, that matters to me because I think I will be weird have a computer that is smarter than me. It matters to education because hopefully enough people saw it to learn that most of the time in college the classes are so big that some kids drop out and some don’t learn because they can’t see the information. It matters to the world because it points out facts that we need to improve on and something’s that we are doing well at like developing new technology. I thought Michel Welsch’s video was very powerful and that he had to put a lot of time into it.
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